Join the Fight for Freedom



Nick Sabatine - Lead Vocals

Special Guests
David Price - Drums on Taliban Joe
Dennis Wieand - Synths on Taliban Joe
Russ Cunningham - Bass on Taliban Joe
Susan Sabatine - Jill Biden on Taliban Joe
Melissa Black - Background vocal on Don’t Blame Me (I Voted For Trump)


1. Join The Fight For Freedom

The title track says it all!

2. We Gotta Believe

"We Gotta Believe” was inspired by the death of a true American Patriot, Rush Limbaugh. "Rush saw the decline of freedom and liberty in America but never gave up on urging his fellow Americans to stay positive and make a difference in the lives of our families and neighbors. It really embodies the spirit of our Forefathers and their enduring vision of Freedom." says Sabatine.

3. I Ain't Goin' Nowhere

“I Ain't Goin' Nowhere” was inspired by the trucker strikes protesting the inane covid laws created by governments around the world to control their citizens. It shows the power of the blue collar workers and the forgotten man expressing their right to protest. It also stresses just how important our workforce is.

4. The Ministry of Truth

“The Ministry Of Truth” highlights the dangers of the government deciding what is true or not. Thankfully this dark idea didn't make it too far. But still, the song brings attention to the way the current government and big tech have joined to attempt to control what people think and what information they see. As we've seen over the past few years, social media platforms pick and choose what they think is true, what posts should be seen and what posts should be censored. "When the FBI is telling the social media platforms what information to scrub, Freedom is clearly threatened" Sabatine states.

5. Love It Or Leave It

“Love It Or Leave It” is a message to the woke leftists in America that some of us are tired of hearing that America is racist and evil. This old saying is more relevant than ever. The ironic thing is - search the phrase "Love it of Leave it" and you'll find loads of articles and posts claiming it's a racist saying. That just shows how bad things have gotten.

6. Gimme My Free Stuff

“Gimme My Free Stuff” is a lighthearted satirical treatment of socialism in America. Like John F. Kennedy said "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" "America is not about free stuff," says Sabatine. Yes, there are supports and safety nets but America is the land of opportunity, where one can pursue their dreams and achieve greatness. When the forefathers referenced "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" that meant you were free to pursue happiness and your dreams, not that you would be provided with it.

7. Stop Drinking The Kool-Aid

"No album about freedom would be complete without addressing the totalitarian way the government shut down our country and attacked our freedom during the covid pandemic." says Sabatine. Dr. Anthony Fauci figuratively had the country drinking his kool-aid filled with pseudo-science and the song “Stop Drinking The Kool-Aid” is a comedic treatment of a very serious erosion of our freedom at the hands of a misguided bureaucrat.

8. Don't Blame Me (I Voted For Trump)

“Don't Blame Me (I Voted For Trump)” is a relevant tune, because half the country feels this way. This song is the unofficial anthem for everyone that voted for Trump in 2020. There is also a raucous video for this tune. You'll find it on Youtube and Its complete with an all girl backing band, an impossibly catchy chorus, a dancing animated Trump, a dejected Biden supporter – and a clever ending.

9. The Evil In The Air

"The Evil In the Air” is a more serious commentary about the way the government used covid to control us and erode our freedom. The evil in the air was not covid but rather the irrational fear the government tried to instill in us and our children to control every aspect of our lives.

10. Taliban Joe

“Taliban Joe” deals specifically with the worst foreign policy debacle in American history – the pull out of our troops from Afghanistan. It points out the danger of electing a politician that makes decisions based on idealism and not the facts on the ground. "President Biden's failure to make an intelligent decision has endangered all of us by emboldening our enemies which in the long run endangers our freedom." says Sabatine

11. You Might Be A Racist

“You Might Be A Racist” deals with the fact that if you criticize a minority, you're instantly a racist. "Its a weak tactic used over and over and over by the media and the left. And I think people are tired of it. People are smarter than this. Its ok to have different views" The song is light hearted while dealing with a troubling trend.

12. When We All See The Light

Finally, “When We All See The Light” uses the satire of George Orwell's Book 1984 to bring attention to the way the current administration lies to us daily in an attempt to convince us that everything in America is alright when in fact our freedom is under assault daily. Constantly telling us the “border is closed” or gas prices are the result of “Putin's war” is the same as saying “black is white” and “lies are truth”. However, the album closes with this song because it ends with a very positive message, which is that things will get better and America will prosper when all Americans “see the light” and overcome the propaganda showered on them constantly by the government and their accomplices in the media which is largely just an arm of the current government. says Sabatine.

The Patriot All-Stars, a Lehigh Valley based rock band, released their new album "Join the Fight for Freedom" in advance of the 2022 midterm elections. The album is fully loaded with songs that are highly relevant to the current events going on in America right now. Unlike most of the media noise out there, these songs have a positive message and are accessible to anyone, regardless of their political beliefs or party affiliation. "The songs cut through the talking points and expose the nonsensical doings of current Biden administration and the media." states Sabatine. It is a mix of timely tunes, patriotic songs and satirical numbers. Its a rock based album - good old American rock n roll.